FALL WORSHIP begins September 1st!
9:00 Adult Bible Study
10:00 Social Time
10:30 Worship
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Community Meal
September 9th @ FUM
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CROP Walk September 22nd
at Oregon Methodist.
Sign up now!
Check our schedule for upcoming events.
201 N. Division Ave. • Polo IL 61064 | 815.946.2919 | stmarkspolo@frontiernet.net | Give to St. Mark's
Our Mission Statement: St. Mark's ELCA is a community of believers who gather to hear God's Word in Christ; worshipping, serving, and proclaiming God's love for all people and the world.
Welcome to St. Mark's Lutheran Church!
You can download our monthly newsletters online HERE or let us know you email and we can email it to you every month.
St. Mark's Lutheran Church